Effective Lymphatic Drainage

In order to clear the “lymph”, the lymphatic system must be pumped manually. The most effective way to do that is by using the Surya Namaskar along with specific mantras we teach at Yoga Vishnu.

Kundalini Raising

This strengthens the body-mind connection at the physical , emotional & psyche level and the spiritual beyond the infinite level of fearlessness reinforced by the pure consciousness. We at Yoga Vishnu are comitted to facilitate this process

Vedic Knowledge

By creating a contemporary context for this ancient wisdom, our students will be readily able to learn from the timeless wisdom of the Rig Veda. In this way,their Yoga practice will not only be “on the mat,” but will be woven into their reality.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

We offer yoga classes in both groups and private and even for companies. We have classes for adults both beginners and advanced yoga.

Vårt Koncept

Borja hos Yoga Vishnu och upplev hur yoga kan förändra din kropp och din mentala styrka! Lär dig utöva Hatha Yoga från grunden med träning i små grupper där du får personlig hjälp att utveckla din styrka, smidighet och mentala förmåga under ledning av Yogi Vishnu Syamlal, internationellt certifierad yogalärare med många års erfarenhet av yogaundervisning för både nybörjare och avancerade. Klasserna är 90 minuter långa med max 6-8 deltagare. Klasserna anpassas efter elevernas individuella kapacitet och förmåga.

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Yoga Vishnu just makes me feel better, Lopez said. Every time I go to a yoga class I regret not going more. It makes my body feel healthy- like I’m doing something good for myself.

Jackie Lopez

I would like to encourage everyone to try yoga vishnu at least once. It has really changed my life. I’ve become such a different, more relaxed person since making yoga vishnu a part of my daily routine.” My favourite part with Vishnu is watching other people making progress and become more confident.

Malin Nygren

My favorite thing about yoga vishnu is that it calms me down, I’m always on the go, and it really helps me focus on slowing down and remaining calm.

Meet The People Behind Yoga Vishnu

Vishnu Syamlal


Prasanth Joseph

Full Stack Developer


Observatoriegatan 6, Odenplan , 113 29 Stockholm





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